Dual Degree Completion
The Dual Degree Completion (DDC) program allows students with an Associate’s degree (or equivalent), coursework toward an unfinished undergraduate degree, and life experiences that may count toward college credit to enroll in The Bible Seminary on a degree track culminating in both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Students who successfully complete this program earn a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies (BACS), and either a companion Master of Arts (MA) or a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree as described elsewhere in this catalog. The BACS incorporates previous college coursework (such as a 60-credit hour Associate’s degree), prior learning assessments, additional college studies, and TBS core graduate courses that can serve as dual bachelor/master credits.
Program Description
TBS only offers a combined BA/MA or BA/MDiv – or a separate MA or MDiv – but not a stand-alone BA.
The combined degree can be completed in as few as two (2) or three (3) years for some full-time students. Additional time may be required for students who have not satisfied all of the non-TBS degree requirements.
Accepted students may enroll in a TBS graduate program without any modifications and transfer in or work concurrently to complete any non-TBS undergraduate requirements.
Dual-degree graduates complete a combined total of between 138 and 150-credit hours for a BA/MA degree, or 174-credit hours for the BA/MDiv degree.
Students are eligible to receive both degrees together after all requirements are completed for BOTH the undergraduate and graduate degrees and after all other conditions are met as detailed in the Graduation Policy in the TBS Student Handbook and TBS Policy Manual.
The customized degree may require students to take courses from other colleges or universities. Tuition for any additional college courses and prior learning assessments outside of TBS and required to complete the bachelor’s degree are the responsibility of the student.
Students enrolling in the program are responsible for applying, registering, enrolling, and transferring in credits from other schools and LearningCounts.org with respect to non-TBS undergraduate degree requirements. TBS tuition and fees for dual-credits and graduate credits are the same.
This type of combined degree structure conforms to the guidelines found in various accrediting agencies, including ABHE (Association for Biblical Higher Education), ATS (Association of Theological Schools), SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), and TRACS (Transnational Association of Christian Schools).
Financial aid through the TBS Student Scholarship Fund may be available to help fund dual-credit and graduate-level courses offered by TBS. See “Financial Aid” resources for more information.