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Hesed Hands

A week-long adventure with TBS President Lewis during a March 2012 ski trip with our church was my first real introduction to The Bible Seminary (TBS). His passionate description of the newly launched graduate program rooted in studying all 66 books of the Bible and training believers for life and ministry leadership seemed intriguing, even exciting, and I began observing TBS from the fringe.  


Fast forward eight years and I dove into the center of TBS education. I had a high heart knowledge of Christianity but increasingly felt a stirring desire to bring my head knowledge up to the same level. I am task-oriented and know that I work better when I am held accountable. So I enrolled as a degree student, and the course agendas and requirements culminating into grades is exactly what I needed to stay on task. Life happens and is far too easy to get distracted and procrastinate. For me, TBS has been perfect and I am very thankful for the program. 


My full-time work requires travel, and the flexibility TBS offers has allowed me to satisfy the requirements to graduate with a Master of Arts in Church History and Theology. During my journey, I have enjoyed the opportunity to focus on every book of the Bible, including times of intense focus on specific topics while writing research papers and preparing projects. Though difficult at time, the tasks have proven exceptional for me. I have learned more from these papers and project than from the readings alone. 

Name of Non-Profit and it's name meaning

I also had the opportunity to participate in the archaeological dig at Tel Shiloh, Israel led by TBS Provost Stripling. I will forever cherish my Holy Land experience and cannot adequately express my gratitude for the TBS professors and staff. Their subject knowledge and level of personal support is incredible, and I count myself fortunate to know TBS leaders and students as friends.  

My capstone project for graduation has included creating a non-profit organization that seeks to help individuals in need. Called Hesed Hands, Inc (, the name comes from the Hebrew word “khesed.” Though difficult to translate into English, “hesed” seems to express a sense of love that inspires caring behavior towards our fellow human beings. Jesus summarizes the Greatest Commandment in Matthew 22:35-40, “One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’” 

Hesed Hands aims to act on the second commandment of “Love your Neighbor” through acts of kindness and dialogue about “Loving the Lord your God.” By purchasing groceries, providing a needed appliance, or repairing a home (and anything in-between), we can both practically love our neighbors and hopefully bring them to know the Lord. As our acts of kindness open avenues for dialogue, we pray the Holy Spirit works through us and others and in our neighbors to complete the process. 


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