By Dr. K. Lynn Lewis
Following Jesus was not a game.
The disciples didn't drop their nets, ledgers, and swords to go play around. They didn't study under Jesus' teaching because his classes were easy and fun. They didn't train under Jesus' coaching because his teams won championships. They didn't battle storms, climb mountains, confront demons, face ridicule, and touch lepers for entertainment. They didn't travel to villages, towns, and cities on a luxury tour with a paid guide and opportunities to take classic photos in iconic places. They didn't submit to inquiries, trials, and tribunals to jockey for political favors and name recognition.
No, the disciples first followed Jesus THINKING he was the Messiah. They continued following increasingly BELIEVING he was the Messiah. And, after observing his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, they followed KNOWING he was the Messiah.
Thereafter, they dedicated their lives in service to the only One who had been given all authority on heaven and earth, Jesus Christ. They accepted his co-mission to go, make disciples of all nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Bible Seminary (TBS) continues their legacy today. We are a family of disciples who have dedicated all that we are, all that we have, and all that we ever hope to the Lord God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, we continue to spread and live out the Gospel in co-mission with Jesus. We serve in gratitude for the disciples who came before us, in love with the disciples with whom we co-laborer, and with hope for all the disciples who will come after as a result of all the faithful since the dawn of time.
Your financial support in the following ways helps fund training disciples who want to help fulfill the Great Commission.
Adopt-a-Book for $100 each in honor or memory of a loved one.
General donation: HELP provide critical income toward the costs of TBS facilities, personnel, and programming.
Great Commission Scholarship Fund: Up to $50,000 is available through a matching gift toward establishing a $100,000 scholarship endowment to generate income to benefit future students.
Thank you for help fund disciples making more disciples,

The giving table above shows GOALs and ACTUAL support. For example, we are seeking 255 donors who will together contribute nearly $79,000 per month during the fiscal year. We currently have 50 donors contributing a little over $25,000 per month and are seeking 205 additional donors.
At the $100/month level, we are seeking 25 donors, currently have 13, and are seeking 12 more.
At the $300/month level, we have 3 and are seeking 12 more.
At the $2,000/month level, we have 2, and are seeking 2 more.
The Adopt-a-Book boxes show the number of books available for adoption and the number adopted so far.