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Public Reading of Scripture

Writer: TBSTBS

Written by Angela McClinton (TBS MDiv 2019) serves Development Director and an adjunct instructor

at TBS and can be reached at

A group of people gathered at The Bible Seminary for the Public Reading of Scripture event, listening to a dramatized Bible passage, sharing fellowship, and enjoying a free lunch.

In partnership with The Grace and Mercy Foundation based in New York City, The Bible Seminary (TBS) launched weekly Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) on September 11, 2023. Hosted on campus (with a free lunch!) and online on Mondays, participants enjoy high quality audio dramatized recordings of several Old and New Testament passages and two Psalms, summary insights of the day’s passages, fellowship, and prayer.   

The practice is inspired by the Apostle Paul’s exhortation in 2 Timothy 3:16, “Until I come, devote yourselves to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.” Similar PRS events are held weekly around the world. So far, TBS has launched one in English at TBS and helped launch another in Spanish at a local church. 

“Public reading of scripture has been such a gift to my husband, Austin, and me,” says PRS@TBS attendee Tessa Kellam. “We plan our Mondays around PRS to make sure we don’t miss it! Being able to listen to extended passages of scripture in a public setting is something I never experienced before, even growing up in church.”  

Four key pillars make PRS sustainable and enjoyable. One, we meet on a regular basis in keeping with the reminder in Psalm 1:2 to meditate on the Word of God day and night, as well as to establish the practice as part of our natural life rhythm. 

I desire to return every Monday because I simply love to hear the TRUTH,” says Jeff Smart. “Every time Scripture is read, I seem to take away a very practical application.” 

A group of people gathered at The Bible Seminary for the Public Reading of Scripture event, listening to a dramatized Bible passage, sharing fellowship, and enjoying a free lunch.
A group of people gathered at The Bible Seminary for the Public Reading of Scripture event, listening to a dramatized Bible passage, sharing fellowship, and enjoying a free lunch.

Two, PRS participants enjoy listening to (not just reading) the Bible using one of the highest quality audio drama Bibles available. 

 “To see and hear Scripture engages both my heart and mind,” says Jeff’s wife, Bette. “We are fed lunch and God’s word feeds my soul. We always learn something we had not noticed while reading the Bible in the past. PRS keeps blessing us.” 

Three, PRS happens in community with other participants. 

I love PRS because of the community we have while hearing God’s Word,” notes Adam Fithen, Senior Pastor of Friendship Church Assembly of God in Richmond, Texas. “I started attending because of my friendship with Blake Quimby and have met many others I now call friends.” 

Four, we read the entire Bible in context, not just our favorite parts, in obedience to Jesus’s commands to live by every word that comes from God (Matthew 4:4). 

“I love the insights that Dr. Stripling, Dr. Steinmetz, and Dr. Lewis give about the passages,” Kellum exclaims. “Context is everything! Having such knowledgeable and credentialed instructors paint the biblical scene for us and give additional information has been so educational.” 

More than 125 people from across the U.S. and Canada have attended at least one PRS@TBS. Total weekly attendance averages 36, with just over 30 in-person attendees each week and 25 who have attended regularly since inception. Recent sessions have exceeded 40 and continued growth and possible expansion to a larger venue seems likely. Participants include members of the TBS family, as well as local pastors, ministry leaders and staff, and business and community leaders. Lunches are catered from local establishments, including Chicken Salad Chick, Ephesus Mediterranean Grill, El Jarrito Mexican Restaurant, Hat Creek Burgers, Olive Garden, Red River BBQ, and more. 

Several staff members from Church on the Rock, a large bilingual church in Katy, Texas, attended PRS@TBS, and eventually inquired about hosting a Spanish version at their church. 

According to Senior Pastor Jorge Cardenas, “PRS in Spanish has been an extraordinary answer to our prayers. Our people love it, including participants in Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua and El Salvador who tune in faithfully via Zoom along with our in-person attendees.” 

Join PRS@TBS on campus or online most Mondays (except holidays) from Noon to 1 PM (CST). If you would like to host PRS in your own context, contact me for more information. 

A group of people gathered at The Bible Seminary for the Public Reading of Scripture event, listening to a dramatized Bible passage, sharing fellowship, and enjoying a free lunch.

If you would like to host PRS in your own context, contact Angela McClinton ( for more information.


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